Add numpy.get_include() argument to setuptools without preinstalled numpy

First question, when is numpy needed? It is needed during the setup (i.e. when build_ext-funcionality is called) and in the installation, when the module is used. That means numpy should be in setup_requires and in install_requires.

There are following alternatives to solve the issue for the setup:

  1. using PEP 517/518 (which is more straight forward IMO)
  2. using setup_requires-argument of setup and postponing import of numpy until setup’s requirements are satisfied (which is not the case at the start of‘s execution)

PEP 517/518-solution:

Put next to a pyproject.toml-file , with the following content:

requires = ["setuptools", "wheel", "Cython>=0.29", "numpy >= 1.15"]

which defines packages needed for building, and then install using pip install . in the folder with A disadvantage of this method is that python install no longer works, as it is pip that reads pyproject.toml. However, I would use this approach whenever possible.

Postponing import

This approach is more complicated and somewhat hacky, but works also without pip.

First, let’s take a look at unsuccessful tries so far:

@chrisb’s “pybind11”-trick, which can be found here: With help of an indirection, one delays the call to import numpy until numpy is present during the setup-phase, i.e.:

class get_numpy_include(object):

    def __str__(self):
        import numpy
        return numpy.get_include()
my_c_lib_ext = setuptools.Extension(

Clever! The problem: it doesn’t work with the Cython-compiler: somewhere down the line, Cython passes the get_numpy_include-object to os.path.join(...,...) which checks whether the argument is really a string, which it obviously isn’t.

This could be fixed by inheriting from str, but the above shows the dangers of the approach in the long run – it doesn’t use the designed mechanics, is brittle and may easily fail in the future.

the classical build_ext-solution

Which looks as following:

from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext

class build_ext(_build_ext):
    def finalize_options(self):
        # Prevent numpy from thinking it is still in its setup process:
        __builtins__.__NUMPY_SETUP__ = False
        import numpy


Yet also this solution doesn’t work with cython-extensions, because pyx-files don’t get recognized.

The real question is, how did pyx-files get recognized in the first place? The answer is this part of setuptools.command.build_ext:

    # Attempt to use Cython for building extensions, if available
    from Cython.Distutils.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext
    # Additionally, assert that the compiler module will load
    # also. Ref #1229.
except ImportError:
    _build_ext = _du_build_ext

That means setuptools tries to use the Cython’s build_ext if possible, and because the import of the module is delayed until build_ext is called, it founds Cython present.

The situation is different when setuptools.command.build_ext is imported at the beginning of the – the Cython isn’t yet present and a fall back without cython-functionality is used.

mixing up pybind11-trick and classical solution

So let’s add an indirection, so we don’t have to import setuptools.command.build_ext directly at the beginning of

# factory function
def my_build_ext(pars):
     # import delayed:
     from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext#
     # include_dirs adjusted: 
     class build_ext(_build_ext):
         def finalize_options(self):
             # Prevent numpy from thinking it is still in its setup process:
             __builtins__.__NUMPY_SETUP__ = False
             import numpy
    #object returned:
    return build_ext(pars)
    cmdclass={'build_ext' : my_build_ext},

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