ADO.NET calling T-SQL Stored Procedure causes a SqlTimeoutException

Once I determined that it is the ADO.NET connection at the root of the problem, this thread led me to the answer.

Basically connections through Sql Server Management Studio (SSMS) by default have SET ARITHABORT ON. ADO.NET connections do not.

Setting ARITHABORT OFF and executing the query directly through SSMS gives me the same slow response time.

The main difference when running with or without this setting is a different query plan is created for the two calls. When ARITHABORT was OFF, the SSMS command would use the pre-compiled cached query plan that the ADO.NET connection was using, and therefore timeout.

By running the following commands as administrator on the database all queries run as expected regardless of the ARITHABORT setting.


I can only assume a compiled query plan became corrupt, or invalid.

I will go with this as the solution (I have up-voted the answer) on the other thread


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