After upgrade Android on Nexus to 4.2.2, Eclipse shows target unknown for device?

You need three things in order to make sure this update goes smoothly:

  1. Make sure your device is actually running 4.2.2 and the problem is not something else
  2. Your SDK is updated to the latest tools. The adb binary in all but the latest version does not support the 4.2.2 security enhancements.
  3. You are on the main account of your device in case of multiple user accounts.

Connect your Device to your computer and execute adb devices (make sure USB debugging is enabled). You should see something like this:

3tiu52839ry082j3 offline

Right about now, there should be a dialog on your device that looks something like:

enter image description here

Check the Always allow from this computer box if you want and click OK.

That’s about it.

Some other things to check:

  • Make sure your USB cable isn’t broken. Sometimes, the smaller cables break inside the main one, and your device may charge but have no data connection. Try with a different cable, or try accessing files on the device over USB (this will go fine if your cable is fine)
  • Make sure you’re using the newest version of adb. Even after I updated my SDK tools, I couldn’t get my device authorized when using adb. I eventually figured out that the Nvidia install of the NDK and SDK tools had updated my PATH variable to use the adb from that install, which wasn’t the latest update. By using the adb in my newly updated install, I was able to get it all working.

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