Aggregate a data frame based on unordered pairs of columns

One way is to create extra columns with pmax and pmin of id1 and id2as follows. I’ll use data.table solution here.

DT <- data.table(DF)
# Following mnel's suggestion, g1, g2 could be used directly in by
# and it could be even shortened by using `id1` and id2` as their names
DT.OUT <- DT[, list(size=sum(size)), 
        by=list(id1 = pmin(id1, id2), id2 = pmax(id1, id2))]
#     id1  id2 size
# 1: 5400 5505   18
# 2: 5033 5458    1
# 3: 5452 2873   24
# 4: 5452 5213    2
# 5: 5452 4242   26
# 6: 4823 4823    4

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