alternative to memcached that can persist to disk

I have never tried it, but what about redis ?

Its homepage says (quoting) :

Redis is a key-value database. It is
similar to memcached but the dataset
is not volatile, and values can be
strings, exactly like in memcached,
but also lists and sets with atomic
operations to push/pop elements.

In order to be very fast but at the
same time persistent the whole dataset
is taken in memory and from time to
time and/or when a number of changes
to the dataset are performed it is
written asynchronously on disk. You
may lost the last few queries that is
acceptable in many applications but it
is as fast as an in memory DB (Redis
supports non-blocking master-slave
replication in order to solve this
problem by redundancy).

It seems to answer some points you talked about, so maybe it might be helpful, in your case?

If you try it, I’m pretty interested in what you find out, btw 😉

As a side note : if you need to write all this to disk, maybe a cache system is not really what you need… after all, if you are using memcached as a cache, you should be able to re-populate it on-demand, whenever it is necessary — still, I admit, there might be some performance problems if you whole memcached cluster falls at once…

So, maybe some “more” key/value store oriented software could help? Something like CouchDB, for instance?

It will probably not be as fast as memcached, as data is not store in RAM, but on disk, though…

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