Enable / disable session state per controller / action method

This is now moved from Futures into MVC3. There’s a ControllerSessionState attribute (apparently will be named SessionState for the final release of MVC3), which can be applied to a controller, something like this: [SessionState(SessionStateBehavior.Disabled)] public class MyController : Controller { … (But in the RC version, you must use ControllerSessionState

Disable Volley cache management

If you use any of the default Request classes implemented in volley(e.g. StringRequest, JsonRequest, etc.), then call setShouldCache(false) right before adding the request object to the volley RequestQueue: request.setShouldCache(false); myQueue.add(request); If you have your own implementation of the Request class, then you can call setShouldCache(false) in the constructor of your class. This solution disables caching … Read more

How to avoid caching in the app directory of Next.js?

Yes, in the app folder, Next.js by default caches all fetched results. If you are using fetch(), you can change this behavior per query, with revalidate or cache option: fetch(‘https://…’, { next: { revalidate: 10 } }); fetch(‘https://…’, { cache: ‘no-store’ }); You can also control the behavior with Route Segment Config, again if you … Read more