Android app out of memory issues – tried everything and still at a loss

I still don’t understand why inactive activities that are on the stack
don’t get reaped, and I’d really love to figure that out.

This is not how things work. The only memory management that impacts activity lifecycle is the global memory across all processes, as Android decides that it is running low on memory and so need to kill background processes to get some back.

If your application is sitting in the foreground starting more and more activities, it is never going into the background, so it will always hit its local process memory limit before the system ever comes close to killing its process. (And when it does kill its process, it will kill the process hosting all the activities, including whatever is currently in the foreground.)

So it sounds to me like your basic problem is: you are letting too many activities run at the same time, and/or each of those activities is holding on to too many resources.

You just need to redesign your navigation to not rely on stacking up an arbitrary number of potentially heavy-weight activities. Unless you do a serious amount of stuff in onStop() (such as calling setContentView() to clear out the activity’s view hierarchy and clear variables of whatever else it may be holding on to), you are just going to run out of memory.

You may want to consider using the new Fragment APIs to replace this arbitrary stack of activities with a single activity that more tightly manages its memory. For example if you use the back stack facilities of fragments, when a fragment goes on the back stack and is no longer visible, its onDestroyView() method is called to completely remove its view hierarchy, greatly reducing its footprint.

Now, as far as you crashing in the flow where you press back, go to an activity, press back, go to another activity, etc and never have a deep stack, then yes you just have a leak. This blog post describes how to debug leaks:

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