Android Application Class Lifecycle

No. Your entire application can be killed and recreated with the task stack intact; this lets the system reclaim memory on devices that need it while still presenting a seamless illusion of multitasking to the end user. From the docs:

A background activity (an activity
that is not visible to the user and
has been paused) is no longer
critical, so the system may safely
kill its process to reclaim memory for
other foreground or visible processes.
If its process needs to be killed,
when the user navigates back to the
activity (making it visible on the
screen again), its onCreate(Bundle)
method will be called with the
savedInstanceState it had previously
supplied in
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) so that it
can restart itself in the same state
as the user last left it.

That is, the process (which the Application is tied to) can be killed off but then restarted, and the individual activities should have enough info to recreate themselves from what they’ve saved before being killed, without relying on global state set in the process by other Activities.

Consider storing persistent shared state that needs initialization by an Activity in either a SharedPreference or SQLite database, or passing it to Activities that need it as an Intent extra.

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