Android: Creating shaped button

I use a crapload of irregular shaped buttons on my app, and to change the “hot zone” or “clickable area” of the button, I just use the Bitmap.getPixel() method to check for alpha on the image used. If the method returns 0, then don’t perform click event.

(1) Create your button as usual, whichever way you would like.
(2) Define a Bitmap and assign to it the same image drawable used for the button.
(3) Get the X and Y coordinates of the touch or click action.
(4) Pass the coordinates to the .getPixel(x,y) method.

Sample Code:

// ** Declare your Bitmap somewhere **
final Bitmap TheBitmap;       
TheBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.TheImage);

// ** My onTouch code **
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {

        int eventPadTouch = event.getAction();

        switch (eventPadTouch) {

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                if (iX>=0 & iY>=0 & iX<TheBitmap.getWidth() & iY<TheBitmap.getHeight()) { // ** Makes sure that X and Y are not less than 0, and no more than the height and width of the image.                
                    if (TheBitmap.getPixel(iX,iY)!=0) {
                        // * A non-alpha area was clicked, do something 
                return true;                
        return false;

The event.getX() and event.getY() simply give you the coordinates of where you touched the button.

** The above sample is to guide you in the correct direction. There are some checks to add to the code to assure no errors occur.

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