Android getting external storage Absolute Path

When I use /storage/sdcard0/ on them the code runs successfully but when I use Galaxy Nexus 3 the code fails.

/storage/sdcard0/ is not internal storage. It is external storage.

(BTW, since there is no device named “Galaxy Nexus 3”, I am assuming that you simply meant “Galaxy Nexus”)

To find locations on internal storage for your app, use getFilesDir(), called on any Context (such as your Activity, to get a File object.

To get a location on external storage unique for your app, use getExternalFilesDir(), called on any Context (such as your Activity, to get a File object.

To get a standard location on external storage for common types of files (e.g., movies), use getExternalStoragePublicDirectory() on Environment.

To get the root of external storage, use getExternalStorageDirectory() on Environment. This, however, is considered sloppy programming nowadays, as it encourages developers to just put files in random locations.

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