Android JSON parsing of multiple JSONObjects inside JSONObject

here you can retrieve all your json data, ask for a specific key and innerKey to get what you want, cheers

        String jsonString="";//your json string here
        JSONObject jObject= new JSONObject(jsonString).getJSONObject("categories");
        Iterator<String> keys = jObject.keys();
        while( keys.hasNext() )
            String key =;
            Log.v("**********", "**********");
            Log.v("category key", key);
            JSONObject innerJObject = jObject.getJSONObject(key);
            Iterator<String> innerKeys = innerJObject.keys();
            while( innerKeys.hasNext() )
                String innerKkey =;
                String value = innerJObject.getString(innerKkey);
                Log.v("key = "+key, "value = "+value);
    catch (JSONException e)
    {   e.printStackTrace();    }

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