Angularjs does not load scripts within ng-view

That’s the way jqLite works. If you want scripts in templates to be evaluated, include jQuery before AngularJS. If jQuery is included, the script will be evaluated. Try removing jQuery, and you see the originally observed behavior.

Updated: since some people asked for elaboration in the comments, here it is:

When a route is matched, ngView uses jqLite’s (or jQuery’s, if loaded) html() method to set the content of the element (the one ngView is declared on). In other words, does something like this:


So it boils down to how html() is implemented in jqLite and jQuery. jqLite uses the native innerHTML property, which only sets content but doesn’t evaluate scripts. jQuery, on the other hand, parses out all script tags and executes them (by constructing and appending script DOM elements to the page).

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