Ansible with a bastion host / jump box? [duplicate]

With Ansible 2, this is a built-in option:

How do I configure a jump host to access servers that I have no direct access to?

With Ansible 2, you can set a ProxyCommand in the ansible_ssh_common_args inventory variable. Any arguments specified in this variable are added to the sftp/scp/ssh command line when connecting to the relevant host(s). Consider the following inventory group:

foo ansible_host=
bar ansible_host=

You can create group_vars/gatewayed.yml with the following contents:

ansible_ssh_common_args: '-o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -q [email protected]"'

Ansible will append these arguments to the command line when trying to connect to any hosts in the group gatewayed. (These arguments are used in addition to any ssh_args from ansible.cfg, so you do not need to repeat global ControlPersist settings in ansible_ssh_common_args.)

Note that ssh -W is available only with OpenSSH 5.4 or later. With older versions, it’s necessary to execute nc %h:%p or some equivalent command on the bastion host.

If your jump box needs a private key file to connect (even if it’s the same key as the one used for the private subnet instances), use this instead:

ansible_ssh_common_args: '-o ProxyCommand="ssh -i <path-to-pem-file> -W %h:%p -q [email protected]"'

I spent hours trying to fix a problem that now seems like a simple and obvious solution.

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