– session – multiple browser tabs – different sessions?

To facilitate multi-tab session states for one user without cluttering up the URL, do the following.

In your form load function, include:

If Not IsPostback Then
  'Generate a new PageiD'
  ViewState("_PageID") = (New Random()).Next().ToString()
End If

When you save something to your Session State, include the PageID:

Session(ViewState("_PageID").ToString() & "CheckBoxes") = D


  • As with session ID’s in general, you cannot trust that malicious viewers will not change the SessionID / PageID. This is only a valid solution for an environment where all users can be trusted. Fortunately, ViewState does offer more protection than using a hidden input field.
  • You will not have access to the PageID until the ViewState is restored upon PostBack. Therefore, you will not have access to the PageID in the page_init() handler.

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