Basic use of JSONPath in Java

Java JsonPath API found at jayway JsonPath might have changed a little since all the above answers/comments. Documentation too. Just follow the above link and read that, it contains some very clear usage documentation IMO.

Basically, as of current latest version 2.2.0 of the library, there are a few different ways of achieving what’s been requested here, such as:

String json = "{...your JSON here...}";
String jsonPathExpression = "$...your jsonPath expression here..."; 
J requestedClass = JsonPath.parse(json).read(jsonPathExpression, YouRequestedClass.class);

// For better readability:  {"store": { "books": [ {"author": "Stephen King", "title": "IT"}, {"author": "Agatha Christie", "title": "The ABC Murders"} ] } }
String json = "{\"store\": { \"books\": [ {\"author\": \"Stephen King\", \"title\": \"IT\"}, {\"author\": \"Agatha Christie\", \"title\": \"The ABC Murders\"} ] } }";
String jsonPathExpression = "$.store.books[?(@.title=='IT')]"; 
JsonNode jsonNode = JsonPath.parse(json).read(jsonPathExpression, JsonNode.class);

And for reference, calling ‘JsonPath.parse(..)’ will return an object of class ‘JsonContent‘ implementing some interfaces such as ‘ReadContext‘, which contains several different ‘read(..)’ operations, such as the one demonstrated above:

 * Reads the given path from this context
 * @param path path to apply
 * @param type    expected return type (will try to map)
 * @param <T>
 * @return result
<T> T read(JsonPath path, Class<T> type);

Hope this help anyone.

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