Benchmarking inside Java code

Yes it is possible to effectively implement performance benchmarks in java code. The important question is that any kind of performance benchmark is going to add its own overhead and how much of it do you want. System.currentMill..() is good enough benchmark for performance and in most of the cases nanoTime() is an overkill.

For memory System.gc will show you varied results for different runs (as gc run is never guranteed.) I generally use Visual VM for memory profiling (its free) and then use TDA for dumps analyzing.

One way to do it less invasively is using Aspect oriented programing. You can create just one Aspect that runs on a particular Annotation or set of methods and write an @Around advice to collect performance data.

Here is a small snippet:

public class TestAspect {

    public void thisMethodNeedsToBeMonitored(){
        // Do Something
    public void thisMethodNeedsToBeMonitoredToo(){
        // Do Something

@interface LogPerformance{}

class PerformanceAspect{
    @Around("the pointcut expression to pick up all " +
            "the @PerfMonitor annotated methods")
    public void logPerformance(){
        // log performance here
        // Log it to a file

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