Best way to handle dirty state in an ORM model

My opinion on the subject has somewhat changed in the past month. While the answer where is still valid, when dealing with large object graphs, I would recommend using Unit-of-Work pattern instead. You can find a brief explanation of it in this answer

I’m kinda confused how what-you-call-Model is related to ORM. It’s kinda confusing. Especially since in MVC the Model is a layer (at least, thats how I understand it, and your “Models” seem to be more like Domain Objects).

I will assume that what you have is a code that looks like this:

  $model = new SomeModel;
  $mapper = $ormFactory->build('something');

  $model->setId( 1337 );
  $mapper->pull( $model );

  $model->setPayload('cogito ergo sum');

  $mapper->push( $model );

And, i will assume that what-you-call-Model has two methods, designer to be used by data mappers: getParameters() and setParameters(). And that you call isDirty() before mapper stores what-you-call-Model‘s state and call cleanState() – when mapper pull data into what-you-call-Model.

BTW, if you have a better suggestion for getting values from-and-to data mappers instead of setParameters() and getParameters(), please share, because I have been struggling to come up with something better. This seems to me like encapsulation leak.

This would make the data mapper methods look like:

  public function pull( Parametrized $object )
      if ( !$object->isDirty() )
          // there were NO conditions set on clean object
          // or the values have not changed since last pull
          return false; // or maybe throw exception

      $data = // do stuff which read information from storage

      $object->setParameters( $data );

      return $true; // or leave out ,if alternative as exception

  public static function push( Parametrized $object )
      if ( !$object->isDirty() )
          // there is nothing to save, go away
          return false; // or maybe throw exception

      $data = $object->getParameters();
      // save values in storage

      return $true; // or leave out ,if alternative as exception

In the code snippet Parametrized is a name of interface, which object should be implementing. In this case the methods getParameters() and setParameters(). And it has such a strange name, because in OOP, the implements word means has-abilities-of , while the extends means is-a.

Up to this part you should already have everything similar…

Now here is what the isDirty() and cleanState() methods should do:

  public function cleanState()
      $this->is_dirty = false;
      $temp = get_object_vars($this);
      unset( $temp['variableChecksum'] );
      // checksum should not be part of itself
      $this->variableChecksum = md5( serialize( $temp ) );

  public function isDirty()
      if ( $this->is_dirty === true )
          return true;

      $previous = $this->variableChecksum;

      $temp = get_object_vars($this);
      unset( $temp['variableChecksum'] );
      // checksum should not be part of itself
      $this->variableChecksum = md5( serialize( $temp ) );

      return $previous !== $this->variableChecksum;

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