Binding to list causes memory leak

Ahhh got you. Now I understand what you mean.

You set the Content to null and so you kill the compelte ListBox but still the ItemsSource binds to List and so ListBox memory is not completely released.

That is unfortunately a well known issue and also well documented on MSDN.

If you are not binding to a DependencyProperty or a object that implements INotifyPropertyChanged or ObservableCollection then the binding can leak memory, and you will have to unbind when you are done.

This is because if the object is not a DependencyProperty or does not implement INotifyPropertyChanged or not implementing INotifyCollectionChanged (Normal list is not implementing this) then it uses the ValueChanged event via the PropertyDescriptors AddValueChanged method. This causes the CLR to create a strong reference from the PropertyDescriptor to the object and in most cases the CLR will keep a reference to the PropertyDescriptor in a global table.

Because the binding must continue to listen for changes. This behavior keeps the reference alive between the PropertyDescriptor and the object as the target remains in use. This can cause a memory leak in the object and any object to which the object refers.

The question is…is Person implementing INotifyPropertyChanged?

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