C# – How can I “overload” a delegate?

Imagine for a moment this was possible. Suppose I could have an overloaded delegate:

public delegate void OneDelegate(int i);
public delegate void OneDelegate(string s);

Now imagine I declare a variable of this type and then assign a function to it, for example:

OneDelegate myDelegate = StringMethod;

where StringMethod is declared thusly:

public void StringMethod(string s) { Console.WriteLine(s); }

Now you pass myDelegate to some other code, and that code does this:


What do you expect to happen in this case? How can the runtime call StringMethod() with an integer argument?

If you really want a delegate that can take any set of parameters at all, then the only option is to have one with a params object[] array:

public delegate void OneDelegate(params object[] parameters);

But then you will have to assign to it a function that can actually handle any object array, for example:

public void MyMethod(params object[] parameters)
    if (parameters == null || parameters.Length == 0)
        throw new ArgumentException("No parameters specified.");
    if (parameters.Length > 1)
        throw new ArgumentException("Too many parameters specified.");

    if (parameters[0] is int)
        IntMethod((int) parameters[0]);
    else if (parameters[0] is string)
        StringMethod((string) parameters[0]);
        throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported parameter type.");

As you can see, this gets messy real quick. Therefore, I submit to you that if you need such a delegate, you have probably made a mistake somewhere in your architectural design. Identify this flaw and fix the design before you proceed with the implementation, as otherwise the maintainability of your code will suffer.

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