C# reflection and finding all references

To find out where a method MyClass.Foo() is used, you have to analyse all classes of all assemblies that have a reference to the assembly that contains MyClass. I wrote a simple proof of concept of how this code can look like. In my example I used this library (it’s just a single .cs file) written by Jb Evain:

I wrote a little test class to analyse:

public class TestClass
    public void Test()
        DateTime date = DateTime.Now;

And I wrote this code to print out all the methods used within TestClass.Test():

MethodBase methodBase = typeof(TestClass).GetMethod("Test");
var instructions = MethodBodyReader.GetInstructions(methodBase);

foreach (Instruction instruction in instructions)
    MethodInfo methodInfo = instruction.Operand as MethodInfo;

    if(methodInfo != null)
        Type type = methodInfo.DeclaringType;
        ParameterInfo[] parameters = methodInfo.GetParameters();

            String.Join(", ", parameters.Select(p => p.ParameterType.FullName + " " + p.Name).ToArray())

It gave me the following output:

System.Console.WriteLine(System.String value);
System.Console.Write(System.Int32 value);
System.Console.WriteLine(System.Object value);

This example is obviously far from complete, because it doesn’t handle ref and out parameters, and it doesn’t handle generic arguments. I am sure that forgot about other details as well. It just shows that it can be done.

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