C++ static member variable and its initialization

Fundamentally this is because static members must be defined in exactly one translation unit, in order to not violate the One-Definition Rule. If the language were to allow something like:

struct Gizmo
  static string name = "Foo";

then name would be defined in each translation unit that #includes this header file.

C++ does allow you to define integral static members within the declaration, but you still have to include a definition within a single translation unit, but this is just a shortcut, or syntactic sugar. So, this is allowed:

struct Gizmo
  static const int count = 42;

So long as a) the expression is const integral or enumeration type, b) the expression can be evaluated at compile-time, and c) there is still a definition somewhere that doesn’t violate the one definition rule:

file: gizmo.cpp

#include "gizmo.h"

const int Gizmo::count;

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