C++ STL: Array vs Vector: Raw element accessing performance

Element access time in a typical implementation of a std::vector is the same as element access time in an ordinary array available through a pointer object (i.e. a run-time pointer value)

std::vector<int> v;
int *pa;
// Both have the same access time

However, the access time to an element of an array available as an array object is better than both of the above accesses (equivalent to access through a compile-time pointer value)

int a[100];
// Faster than both of the above

For example, a typical read access to an int array available through a run-time pointer value will look as follows in the compiled code on x86 platform

// pa[i]
mov ecx, pa // read pointer value from memory
mov eax, i
mov <result>, dword ptr [ecx + eax * 4]

Access to vector element will look pretty much the same.

A typical access to a local int array available as an array object will look as follows

// a[i]
mov eax, i
mov <result>, dword ptr [esp + <offset constant> + eax * 4]

A typical access to a global int array available as an array object will look as follows

// a[i]
mov eax, i
mov <result>, dword ptr [<absolute address constant> + eax * 4]

The difference in performance arises from that extra mov instruction in the first variant, which has to make an extra memory access.

However, the difference is negligible. And it is easily optimized to the point of being exactly the same in multiple-access context (by loading the target address in a register).

So the statement about “arrays being a bit faster” is correct in narrow case when the array is accessible directly through the array object, not through a pointer object. But the practical value of that difference is virtually nothing.

You may be barking up the wrong tree. Cache misses can be much more important than the number of instructions that get executed.

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