C++11 does not deduce type when std::function or lambda functions are involved

The issue is on the nature of lambdas. They are function objects with a fixed set of properties according to the standard, but they are not a function. The standard determines that lambdas can be converted into std::function<> with the exact types of arguments and, if they have no state, function pointers.

But that does not mean that a lambda is a std::function nor a function pointer. They are unique types implementing operator().

Type deduction, on the other hand, will only deduce exact types, with no conversions (other than const/volatile qualifications). Because the lambda is not a std::function the compiler cannot deduce the type in the call: filter(mySet,[](int i) { return i%2==0; }); to be any std::function<> instantiation.

As of the other examples, in the first one you convert the lambda to the function type, and then pass that. The compiler can deduce the type there, as in the third example where the std::function is an rvalue (temporary) of the same type.

If you provide the instantiating type int to the template, second working example, deduction does not come into play the compiler will use the type and then convert the lambda to the appropriate type.

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