C++11 emplace_back on vector?

You need to explicitly define a ctor for the class:

#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct T
    int a;
    double b;
    string c;

    T(int a, double b, string &&c) 
        : a(a)
        , b(b)
        , c(std::move(c)) 

vector<T> V;

int main()
    V.emplace_back(42, 3.14, "foo");

The point of using emplace_back is to avoid creating a temporary object, which is then copied (or moved) to the destination. While it is also possible to create a temporary object, then pass that to emplace_back, it defeats (at least most of) the purpose. What you want to do is pass individual arguments, then let emplace_back invoke the ctor with those arguments to create the object in place.

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