Should I still return const objects in C++11? [duplicate]

Returning const objects is a workaround that might cause other problems. Since C++11, there is a better solution for the assignment issue: Reference Qualifiers for member functions. I try to explain it with some code:

int foo(); // function declaration
foo() = 42; // ERROR

The assignment in the second line results in a compile-time error for the builtin type int in both C and C++. Same for other builtin types. That’s because the assignment operator for builtin types requires a non-const lvalue-reference on the left hand side. To put it in code, the assignment operator might look as follows (invalid code):

int& operator=(int& lhs, const int& rhs);

It was always possible in C++ to restrict parameters to lvalue references. However, that wasn’t possible until C++11 for the implicit first parameter of member functions (*this).

That changed with C++11: Similar to const qualifiers for member functions, there are now reference qualifiers for member functions. The following code shows the usage on the copy and move operators (note the & after the parameter list):

struct Int
    Int(const Int& rhs) = default;
    Int(Int&& rhs) noexcept = default;
    ~Int() noexcept = default;
    auto operator=(const Int& rhs) & -> Int& = default;
    auto operator=(Int&& rhs) & noexcept -> Int& = default;

With this class declaration, the assignment expression in the following code fragment is invalid, whereas assigning to a local variable works – as it was in the first example.

Int bar();
Int baz();
bar() = baz(); // ERROR: no viable overloaded '='

So there is no need to return const objects. You can restrict the assigment operators to lvalue references, so that everything else still works as expected – in particular move operations.

See also:

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