Cache busting with CRA React

EDIT: create-react-app v2 now have the service worker disabled by default

This answer only apply for CRA v1

This is probably because of your web worker.

If you look into your index.js file you can see


Never wondered what it did? If we take a look at the file it got imported from we can see

// In production, we register a service worker to serve assets from local cache.

// This lets the app load faster on subsequent visits in production, and gives
// it offline capabilities. However, it also means that developers (and users)
// will only see deployed updates on the "N+1" visit to a page, since previously
// cached resources are updated in the background.

// To learn more about the benefits of this model, read {URL}
// This link also includes instructions on opting out of this behavior.

If you want to delete the web worker, don’t just delete the line. Import unregister and call it in your file instead of the register.

import { unregister } from './registerServiceWorker';

and then call


P.S. When you unregister, it will take at least one refresh to make it work

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