Can I use const in vectors to allow adding elements, but not modifications to the already added?

Well, in C++0x you can…

In C++03, there is a paragraph 23.1[lib.containers.requirements]/3, which says

The type of objects stored in these components must meet the requirements of CopyConstructible types (20.1.3), and the additional requirements of Assignable types.

This is what’s currently preventing you from using const int as a type argument to std::vector.

However, in C++0x, this paragraph is missing, instead, T is required to be Destructible and additional requirements on T are specified per-expression, e.g. v = u on std::vector is only valid if T is MoveConstructible and MoveAssignable.

If I interpret those requirements correctly, it should be possible to instantiate std::vector<const int>, you’ll just be missing some of its functionality (which I guess is what you wanted). You can fill it by passing a pair of iterators to the constructor. I think emplace_back() should work as well, though I failed to find explicit requirements on T for it.

You still won’t be able to sort the vector in-place though.

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