change html text from link with jquery

You have to use the jquery’s text() function. What it does is:

Get the combined text contents of all
matched elements.

The result is a
string that contains the combined text
contents of all matched elements. This
method works on both HTML and XML
documents. Cannot be used on input
elements. For input field text use the
val attribute.

For example:

Find the text in the first paragraph
(stripping out the html), then set the
html of the last paragraph to show it
is just text (the bold is gone).

var str = $("p:first").text();

Test Paragraph.

Test Paragraph.

With your markup you have to do:

$('a#a_tbnotesverbergen').text('new text');

and it will result in

<a id="a_tbnotesverbergen" href="#nothing">new text</a>

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