How to remove DOM elements without memory leaks?

The DOM preserves all DOM nodes, even if they have been removed from the DOM tree itself, the only way to remove these nodes is to do a page refresh (if you put the list into an iframe the refresh won’t be as noticable)

Otherwise, you could wait for the problem to get bad enough that the browsers garbage collector is forced into action (talking hundreds of megabytes of unused nodes here)

Best practice is to reuse nodes.

EDIT: Try this:

var garbageBin;
window.onload = function ()
    if (typeof(garbageBin) === 'undefined')
        //Here we are creating a 'garbage bin' object to temporarily 
        //store elements that are to be discarded
        garbageBin = document.createElement('div'); = 'none'; //Make sure it is not displayed
    function discardElement(element)
        //The way this works is due to the phenomenon whereby child nodes
        //of an object with it's innerHTML emptied are removed from memory

        //Move the element to the garbage bin element
        //Empty the garbage bin
        garbageBin.innerHTML = "";

To use it in your context, you would do it like this:


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