Circle-circle intersection points

Intersection of two circles

Written by Paul Bourke

The following note describes how to find the intersection point(s)
between two circles on a plane, the following notation is used. The
aim is to find the two points P3 = (x3,
y3) if they exist.

Intersection of 2 circles

First calculate the distance d between the center
of the circles. d = ||P1 – P0||.

  • If d > r0 + r1 then there are no solutions,
    the circles are separate.

  • If d < |r0
    r1| then there are no solutions because one circle is
    contained within the other.

  • If d = 0 and r0 =
    r1 then the circles are coincident and there are an
    infinite number of solutions.

Considering the two triangles P0P2P3
and P1P2P3 we can write

a2 + h2 = r02 and
b2 + h2 = r12

Using d = a + b we can solve for a,

a =
(r02 – r12 +
d2 ) / (2 d)

It can be readily shown that this reduces to
r0 when the two circles touch at one point, ie: d =
r0 + r1

Solve for h by substituting a into the first
equation, h2 = r02 – a2


P2 = P0 + a ( P1
P0 ) / d

And finally, P3 =
(x3,y3) in terms of P0 =
(x0,y0), P1 =
(x1,y1) and P2 =
(x2,y2), is

x3 =
x2 +- h ( y1 – y0 ) / d

y3 = y2 -+ h ( x1 – x0 ) /


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