Coldfusion 10 returnformat=”JSON” adding characters

That is a server side setting in the ColdFusion admin, under settings. Prefix serialized JSON with. It is enabled by default for security. Protects web services, which return JSON data from cross-site scripting attacks by prefixing serialized JSON strings with a custom prefix.. Perhaps you had turned this off on your ColdFusion 8 server. I do not recommend turning it off though.

See this post from Raymond Camden – Handling JSON with prefixes in jQuery and jQueryUI

NOTE: this setting can also be set per-application by setting secureJSON and secureJSONPrefix in your Application.cfc file. See the documentation about that here – Application variables.

secureJSONA Boolean value that specifies whether to add a security prefix in front of the value that a ColdFusion function returns in JSON-format in response to a remote call.

The default value is the value of the Prefix serialized JSON setting in the Administrator Server Settings > Settings page (which defaults to false). You can override this value in the cffunction tag.

secureJSONPrefixThe security prefix to put in front of the value that a ColdFusion function returns in JSON-format in response to a remote call if the secureJSON setting is true.

The default value is the value of the Prefix serialized JSON setting in the Administrator Server Settings > Settings page (which defaults to //, the JavaScript comment character).

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