Column calculated from another column?

Generated Column is one of the good approach for MySql version which is 5.7.6 and above.

There are two kinds of Generated Columns:

  • Virtual (default) – column will be calculated on the fly when a
    record is read from a table
  • Stored – column will be calculated when a
    new record is written/updated in the table

Both types can have NOT NULL restrictions, but only a stored Generated Column can be a part of an index.

For current case, we are going to use stored generated column. To implement I have considered that both of the values required for calculation are present in table

CREATE TABLE order_details (price DOUBLE, quantity INT, amount DOUBLE AS (price * quantity));

INSERT INTO order_details (price, quantity) VALUES(100,1),(300,4),(60,8);

amount will automatically pop up in table and you can access it directly, also please note that whenever you will update any of the columns, amount will also get updated.

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