Comparing unsigned char and EOF

The golden rule for writing this line is

   while ((ch = fgetc(stdin)) != EOF)

ch should be int .Your cute trick of making ch unsigned fails because EOF is a signed int quantity.

Ok, let’s now go into the depth……

Step 1:


fgetc() returns -1 (a signed int). By the golden rules of C ch gets the last octet of bits which is all 1‘s. And hence the value 255. The byte pattern of ch after the execution of

ch = fgetc(fp); 

would thus be


Step 2:

ch != EOF

Now EOF is a signed integer and ch is an unsigned char

Again I refer to the golden rule of C … the smaller guy ch is converted to big size int before comparision so its byte pattern is now

00000000000000000000000011111111 = (255)10

while EOF is

11111111111111111111111111111111 = (-1)10

There is no way they can be equal……. Hence the statement to steer the following while-loop

while ((ch = fgetc(stdin)) != EOF)

will never evaluate to false …

And hence the infinite loop .

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