Comparison between XNA and DirectX (C#)

If you’re actually good at writing unmanaged code, then you’ll probably be able to write a faster graphics engine on top of DirectX. However, for the hobbyist, XNA has plenty of performance, both for 2D and 3D game development.

Here is a good Channel 9 video where they run an XNA-built racing game on Xbox 360. It runs well even at full HD. Several of the XBox Live Arcade games have been developed by the XNA community.

As far as C# DirectX, as I recall, Managed DirectX as it was called, is no longer officially supported since XNA basically replaces it. I could be wrong, its been a very long time since I looked at it.

The performance differences are negligible between XNA and Managed DirectX since, in essence they’re the same thing; XNA just has a few convenience bits to reduce the amount of boilerplate code you need to write.

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