Compile time vs. run time in Chef recipes

Ok, so Chef runs take two passes.

“Compile time”

I like to call this the collection phase.
At this point, the actual ruby code in your recipe is run. That means any statements like
jdk_dir = ls -ld /usr/java/jdk1.* | sort | tail -1
are going to be executed at that point. However, the ruby code that creates a Chef resource yum_install("jdk1.7.0_51") only creates the resources. Those resources, created by your recipe code, are then added to the Chef resource_collection, but the resource actions are NOT run yet.

“Converge Time”

I call this the resolution phase.
At this point – after ALL recipes have run (creating resources, but not running actions) – we are now ready to actually run the resource actions. Chef starts with the first resource in the resource_collection and runs the specified action on that resource. It works through the collection, calling notifications as needed, until all resources’ actions have been run. Then your run is complete.

Your specific case

So, in your case, you are trying to access the directory in the collection phase but you don’t create the directory until the resolution phase. If you want to run ruby code during the resolution phase you can do so in a ruby_block resource. For example:

ruby_block 'verify java is there' do
  block do
    if jdk_dir.empty?
      raise "Missing JDK installation, reinstall"

If this ruby_block resource is placed after your yum_install (which should probably be yum_package) resource, then it will get placed after the install resource in the collection_phase, and then executed during the resolution phase (i.e., run time) of the Chef run.

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