Complete dataframe with missing combinations of values

You can use the tidyr::complete function:

complete(df, distance, years = full_seq(years, period = 1), fill = list(area = 0))

# A tibble: 14 x 3
   distance years  area
   <fct>    <dbl> <dbl>
 1 100         1.   40.
 2 100         2.    0.
 3 100         3.    0.
 4 100         4.    0.
 5 100         5.   50.
 6 100         6.   60.
 7 100         7.    0.
 8 NPR         1.    0.
 9 NPR         2.    0.
10 NPR         3.   10.
11 NPR         4.   20.
12 NPR         5.    0.
13 NPR         6.    0.
14 NPR         7.   30.

or slightly shorter:

complete(df, distance, years = 1:7, fill = list(area = 0))

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