Conditional logic in PostDeployment.sql script using SQLCMD


I’ve now discovered that the if/else syntax above doesn’t work for me because some of my linked scripts require a GO statement. Essentially the :r just imports the scripts inline, so this becomes invalid sytax.

If you need a GO statement in the linked scripts (as I do) then there isn’t any easy way around this, I ended up creating several post deployment scripts and then changing my project to overwrite the main post depeployment script at build time depending on the build configuration. This is now doing what I need, but it seems like there should be an easier way!

For anyone needing the same thing – I found this post useful

So in my project I have the following post deployment files:

  • Script.PostDeployment.sql (empty file which will be replaced)
  • Default.Script.PostDeployment.sql (links to scripts needed for standard data config)
  • Configuration1.Script.PostDeployment.sql (links to scripts needed for a specific data config)

I then added the following to the end of the project file (right click to unload and then right click edit):

  <Target Name="BeforeBuild">
      <Message Text="Copy files task running for configuration: $(Configuration)" Importance="high" />
      <Copy Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Release' " SourceFiles="Scripts\Post-Deployment\Default.Script.PostDeployment.sql" DestinationFiles="Scripts\Post-Deployment\Script.PostDeployment.sql" OverwriteReadOnlyFiles="true" />
      <Copy Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' " SourceFiles="Scripts\Post-Deployment\Default.Script.PostDeployment.sql" DestinationFiles="Scripts\Post-Deployment\Script.PostDeployment.sql" OverwriteReadOnlyFiles="true" />
      <Copy Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Configuration1' " SourceFiles="Scripts\Post-Deployment\Configuration1.Script.PostDeployment.sql" DestinationFiles="Scripts\Post-Deployment\Script.PostDeployment.sql" OverwriteReadOnlyFiles="true" />

Finally, you will need to setup matching build configurations in the solution.

Also, for anyone trying other work arounds, I also tried the following without any luck:

  1. Creating a post build event to copy the files instead of having to hack the project file XML. i couldn’t get this to work because I couldn’t form the correct path to the post deployment script file. This connect issue describes the problem

  2. Using variables for the script path to pass to the :r command. But I came across several errors with this approach.

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