Convert object to array of key–value objects like `{ name: “Apple”, value: “0.6” }`

You can use Array#map function on the object keys and create your objects with desired shape.

const total = { 
    'Apple': 0.6,
    'Banana': 0.6,
    'Orange': 1,
    'Grapes': 0.4,
    'Pineapple': 0.4 
const array = Object.keys(total)
                    .map(key => ({ name: key, value: total[key] }))
                    .sort((f, s) => f.value - s.value);


If you use ES7 or higher you can replace Object#keys with Object#entries. Use also object destructuring in the parameter list to get name and value separately.

const total = { 
    'Apple': 0.6,
    'Banana': 0.6,
    'Orange': 1,
    'Grapes': 0.4,
    'Pineapple': 0.4 
const array = Object.entries(total)
                    .map(([name, value]) => ({ name, value }))
                    .sort((f, s) => f.value - s.value);;


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