Convert SVG polygon to path

  1. Open your SVG in a web browser.

  2. Run this code:

     var polys = document.querySelectorAll('polygon,polyline');
     function convertPolyToPath(poly){
       var svgNS = poly.ownerSVGElement.namespaceURI;
       var path = document.createElementNS(svgNS,'path');
       var pathdata="M "+poly.getAttribute('points');
       if (poly.tagName=='polygon') pathdata+='z';
         if(name !== 'points')
           path.setAttribute(name, poly.getAttribute(name))
  3. Using the Developer Tools (or Firebug) of the browser, use “Copy as HTML” (or Copy SVG) on the element to get the modified source onto the clipboard.

  4. Paste into a new file and enjoy.

I have a demo of the above method (slightly modified) on my website:

There are two methods in use on that page; one (like the above) uses string-based techniques to get and set the points; the other uses the SVG DOM for accessing points and setting path commands.

As noted by @Interactive in the comments, you can do this via text-only transformations by:

  1. Convert all <polyline and <polygon to <path

  2. Change all points=" to d="M

  3. For any elements that were <polygon>, you need to add z as the last character of the d attribute to connect the last point to the first. For example:

     <polygon points="1,2 3,-4 5,6"/> 


     <path d="M1,2 3,-4 5,6z"/> 

This ‘hack’ works because the specifications declare that a moveto command (M or m) followed by multiple coordinates is legal, with all coordinates after the first interpreted as lineto commands.

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