Converting a LEFT OUTER JOIN to Entity Framework

The basic syntax for a “left join” in Linq is like this:

from x in table1
join y in table2 on equals into jointable
from z in jointable.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
  Field4 = z == null ? 0 : z.Field4

In your case, I’m a little confused because the entity relations you seem to be using in your Linq don’t match the ones implied by your SQL; are the relationships here zero-or-one, zero-or-many, one-to-one, etc? Specifically, you’re doing this:

from h in context.Authentications
join t in context.Authorizations on h.AuthenticationId equals t.Authentications.AuthenticationId

but your SQL implies that “Authentication” is the parent here with zero-or-more “Authorization” children, not the other way around, which would be more like:

from h in context.Authentications
from t in h.Authorizations.DefaultIfEmpty()

If you can give us a better idea of the data model and what data you expect to get out of it we can more easily explain how that query would look in Linq. Assuming that your relationships match what is implied by the SQL, you should be able to get what you want using the following Linq queries:

var query = from h in context.Authentications
            from t in h.Authorizations.DefaultIfEmpty()
            select new
                Permissions = t == null ? null : t.Permissions,
                Organizations = t == null ? new EntitySet<Organization>() : t.Organizations

var query2 = from x in query
             from o in x.organizations.DefaultIfEmpty()
             select new
                 AUTHENTICATION_ID = (short?)x.AuthenticationId,
                 OrganizationIdentifier = o == null ? null : o.OrganizationIdentifier,
                 OrganizationID = o == null ? (short?)null : o.OrganizationID 

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