Create a Insert… Select statement in Laravel

There is no way of doing this in one query (unless you are on Laravel 5.7), however I came across the same issue and wanted to make sure I can keep using a certain select I build with the QueryBuilder.

So what you could do, to keep things half what clean and to reuse functionality which has built a select statement before, is this:

 * Wherever your Select may come from
$select = User::where(...)
 * get the binding parameters
$bindings = $select->getBindings();
 * now go down to the "Network Layer"
 * and do a hard coded select
 $insertQuery = 'INSERT into user_debt_collection (email,dinero) '
                . $select->toSql();
 \DB::insert($insertQuery, $bindings);

UPDATE Laravel 5.7

As of Laravel 5.7.17 you can use ->insertUsing(). See here for details. Thank you @Soulriser for pointing this out.

So above query would look like this:

DB::table('user_debt_collection')->insertUsing(['email','dinero'], $select);

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