Cropping with drawImage not working in Safari

The bug occurs when drawImage() is called out of the bounds of the sourceImage.

You have to double check that the source width and source height are always smaller or equal to the image’s width and height :

So for the first if block :

var sourceX = image.width/2;
var sourceY = 0;
var sourceWidth = image.width - sourceX; // you're in the bounds
var sourceHeight = image.height;
var destX = canvas.width/2;
var destY = 0;
var destWidth = canvas.width;
var destHeight = canvas.height;

ctx.drawImage(image, sourceX, sourceY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight);

Or as a one-liner :

ctx.drawImage(image, image.width/2, 0, image.width - (image.width/2), image.height, canvas.width/2, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

Ps: For a recent project I had to make a complete monkey-patch over this Safari bug. You can find it in this gist, and in below code-snippet:

const canvas = document.getElementById( "canvas" );
const ctx = canvas.getContext( "2d" );
ctx.fillRect( 0, 0, 80, 80 );
ctx.drawImage( canvas, -100, -100, 180, 180, 30, 30, 90, 90 );
<canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
// drawImage monkey-patch for Safari
(()=> {

  if( !needPoly() ) { return; }

  const proto = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;
  const original = proto.drawImage;
  if( !original ) {
    console.error( "This script requires a basic implementation of drawImage" );

  proto.drawImage = function drawImage( source, x, y ) { // length: 3

    const will_crop = arguments.length === 9;
    if( !will_crop ) {
      return original.apply( this, [...arguments] );

    const safe_rect = getSafeRect( ...arguments );
    if( isEmptyRect( safe_rect ) ) {
    return original.apply( this, safe_rect );

  function needPoly() {
    const ctx = document.createElement( "canvas" ).getContext( "2d" );
    ctx.fillRect( 0, 0, 40, 40 );
    ctx.drawImage( ctx.canvas, -40, -40, 80, 80, 50, 50, 20, 20 );

    const img = ctx.getImageData( 50, 50, 30, 30 ); // 10px around expected square
    const data = new Uint32Array( );
    const colorAt = (x, y) => data[ y * img.width + x ];

    const transparents = [ [ 9, 9 ], [ 20, 9 ], [ 9, 20 ], [ 20, 20 ] ];
    const blacks = [ [ 10, 10 ], [ 19, 10 ], [ 10, 19 ], [ 19, 19 ] ];
    return transparents.some( ([ x, y ]) => colorAt( x, y ) !== 0x00000000 ) ||
      blacks.some( ([ x, y ]) => colorAt( x, y ) === 0x00000000 )

  function getSafeRect( image, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh ) {
    const { width, height } = getSourceDimensions( image );
    if( sw < 0 ) {
      sx += sw;
      sw = Math.abs( sw );
    if( sh < 0 ) {
      sy += sh;
      sh = Math.abs( sh );
    if( dw < 0 ) {
      dx += dw;
      dw = Math.abs( dw );
    if( dh < 0 ) {
      dy += dh;
      dh = Math.abs( dh );
    const x1 = Math.max( sx, 0 );
    const x2 = Math.min( sx + sw, width );
    const y1 = Math.max( sy, 0 );
    const y2 = Math.min( sy + sh, height );
    const w_ratio = dw / sw;
    const h_ratio = dh / sh;

    return [
      x2 - x1,
      y2 - y1,
      sx < 0 ? dx - (sx * w_ratio) : dx,
      sy < 0 ? dy - (sy * h_ratio) : dy,
      (x2 - x1) * w_ratio,
      (y2 - y1) * h_ratio


  function isEmptyRect( args ) {
    // sw, sh, dw, dh
    return [ 3, 4, 7, 8 ].some( (index) => !args[ index ] );

  function getSourceDimensions( source ) {
    const sourceIs = ( type ) => {
      const constructor = globalThis[ type ];
      return constructor && (source instanceof constructor);
    if( sourceIs( "HTMLImageElement" ) ) {
      return { width: source.naturalWidth, height: source.naturalHeight };
    else if( sourceIs( "HTMLVideoElement" ) ) {
      return { width: source.videoWidth, height: source.videoHeight };
    else if( sourceIs( "SVGImageElement" ) ) {
      throw new TypeError( "SVGImageElement isn't yet supported as source image.", "UnsupportedError" );
    else if( sourceIs( "HTMLCanvasElement" ) || sourceIs( "ImageBitmap" ) ) {
      return source;



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