CSS strikethrough different color from text?

Yes, by adding an extra wrapping element. Assign the desired line-through color to an outer element, then the desired text color to the inner element. For example:

<span style="color:red;text-decoration:line-through">
  <span style="color:black">black with red strikethrough</span>


<strike style="color:red">
  <span style="color:black">black with red strikethrough<span>

(Note, however, that <strike> is considered deprecated in HTML4 and obsolete in HTML5 (see also W3.org). The recommended approach is to use <del> if a true meaning of deletion is intended, or otherwise to use an <s> element or style with text-decoration CSS as in the first example here.)

To make the strikethrough appear for a:hover, an explicit stylesheet (declared or referenced in <HEAD>) must be used. (The :hover pseudo-class can’t be applied with inline STYLE attributes.) For example:

    a.redStrikeHover:hover {
  <a href="#" class="redStrikeHover">
    <span style="color:black">hover me</span>

(IE7 seems to require some href be set on the <a> before :hover has an effect; FF and WebKit-based browsers do not.)

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