Custom view for Menu Item

What you need to do is create a layout file with the view that you want for the item, the when you declare the item on the menu, assign the layout like this:


And that’s it!


To access the custom item and modify it’s color at runtime you can do this.

In your activity (or fragment) override the onPrepareOptionsMenu (Assuming you already inflated your menu with ‘onCreateOptionsMenu’)

public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

    //Get a reference to your item by id
    MenuItem item = menu.findItem(;

    //Here, you get access to the view of your item, in this case, the layout of the item has a FrameLayout as root view but you can change it to whatever you use
    FrameLayout rootView = (FrameLayout)item.getActionView();

    //Then you access to your control by finding it in the rootView
    YourControlClass control = (YourControlClass) rootView.findViewById(;

    //And from here you can do whatever you want with your control

    return true;

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