How to handle async code

Your problem stems from the fact that cypress commands are not promises, although behaving like promises.

I can think of two options:

  • Try to refactor your test code to not use async/await, as these commands don’t behave as expected when running your code on cypress (check this bug). Cypress already has a whole way of dealing with async code as it creates a command queue that always run sequentially and in the expected order. That means you could observe the effects of your async code to validate that it happened before moving forward on your test. For instance, if User.createUserOnServer must wait a successful API call, add code to your test that will wait for the request to complete, using cy.server(), cy.route() and cy.wait(), like below:

    cy.route('POST', '/users/').as('createUser');
    // do something to trigger your request here, like user.createOnServer()
    cy.wait('@createUser', { timeout: 10000});
  • Use another third-party library that changes how cypress works with async/await, like cypress-promise. This lib may help you to treat cypress commands as promises that you can await in your before code (read more about it in this article).

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