Define a generic that implements the + operator [duplicate]

This is a pretty commonly requested new feature for C#: the ability to specify more generic parameter constraints than the ones we already have. Operators are among the most frequently asked. However, C# does not currently support this.

Possible workarounds:

  • Pass a delegate to any method that needs to do addition. This is the most type-safe option, but of course it’s annoying if you need to call such a method often. For example:

    public class Generic<T> {
        public void DoSomething(T anItem, T anotherItem, Func<T, T, T> add) {
            // instead of
            Blah(anItem + anotherItem);
            // have to write:
            Blah(add(anItem, anotherItem));
    Generic<int> genInt = ...;
    // and then instead of ...
    genInt.DoSomething(1, 2);
    // have to write:
    genInt.DoSomething(1, 2, (a, b) => a + b);
  • Declare your own interface IAddable. Then you can use it as a generic type parameter constraint, but obviously you can’t use int as the parameter then. You would have to use a struct of your own that contains just an int and which implements IAddable:

    public interface IAddable<T> {
        T Add(T other);
    public struct Integer : IAddable<Integer> {
        public int Value;
        public Integer(int value) { Value = value; }
        public Integer Add(Integer other) { return new Integer(Value + other.Value); }
    // then instead of
    Generic<int> blah = ...;
    // have to write:
    Generic<Integer> blah = ...;
  • dynamic. Another possible workaround is to use dynamic, but this is rather hacky and completely unsafe: it will let you pass in any type and call any method or operator, and only crash at runtime, not at compile-time.

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