Why is it impossible to declare extension methods in a generic static class?

Generally speaking, since you do not specify the class when you use an extension method, the compiler would have no way to know which is the class where the extension method is defined:

static class GenStatic<T>
  static void ExtMeth(this Class c) {/*...*/}

Class c = new Class();
c.ExtMeth(); // Equivalent to GenStatic<T>.ExtMeth(c); what is T?

Since extension methods themselves can be generic, this is no real problem at all:

static class NonGenStatic
  static void GenExtMeth<T>(this Class c) {/*...*/}

Class c = newClass();
c.ExtMeth<Class2>(); // Equivalent to NonGenStatic.ExtMeth<Class2>(c); OK

You can easily rewrite your example so that the static class is not generic, but the generic methods are. In fact, this is how .NET classes such as Enumerable are written.

  public static class LinkedListExtensions
    public static T[] ToArray<T>(this SimpleLinkedList<T> where T:IComparable simpleLinkedList)
      // code

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