Detect Android Navigation Bar orientation

Based in part on Pauland’s answer (in turn based on the implementation of PhoneWindowManager), here is what I am using at the moment:

  public static boolean isSystemBarOnBottom(Context ctxt) {
    Resources res=ctxt.getResources();
    Configuration cfg=res.getConfiguration();
    DisplayMetrics dm=res.getDisplayMetrics();
    boolean canMove=(dm.widthPixels != dm.heightPixels &&
        cfg.smallestScreenWidthDp < 600);

    return(!canMove || dm.widthPixels < dm.heightPixels);

This works on a Nexus 7 2012 and a Nexus 4, each running Android 5.1.

On devices that have a permanent MENU key, there is no system bar. Depending upon your use case, you may need to check for this case:


(where ctxt is some Context)

Personally, I am using this to try to have a sliding panel be on the opposite axis from the system bar, as bezel swipes on the side with the system bar are a bit difficult to trigger. I would not use this, or any other algorithm (like the ones that depend upon getDecorView()), for anything critical.

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