Determine which dependency array variable caused useEffect hook to fire

I ended up taking a little bit from various answers to make my own hook for this. I wanted the ability to just drop something in place of useEffect for quickly debugging what dependency was triggering useEffect.

const usePrevious = (value, initialValue) => {
  const ref = useRef(initialValue);
  useEffect(() => {
    ref.current = value;
  return ref.current;
const useEffectDebugger = (effectHook, dependencies, dependencyNames = []) => {
  const previousDeps = usePrevious(dependencies, []);

  const changedDeps = dependencies.reduce((accum, dependency, index) => {
    if (dependency !== previousDeps[index]) {
      const keyName = dependencyNames[index] || index;
      return {
        [keyName]: {
          before: previousDeps[index],
          after: dependency

    return accum;
  }, {});

  if (Object.keys(changedDeps).length) {
    console.log('[use-effect-debugger] ', changedDeps);

  useEffect(effectHook, dependencies);

Below are two examples. For each example, I assume that dep2 changes from ‘foo’ to ‘bar’. Example 1 shows the output without passing dependencyNames and Example 2 shows an example with dependencyNames.

Example 1


useEffect(() => {
  // useEffect code here... 
}, [dep1, dep2])


useEffectDebugger(() => {
  // useEffect code here... 
}, [dep1, dep2])

Console output:

  1: {
    before: 'foo',
    after: 'bar'

The object key ‘1’ represents the index of the dependency that changed. Here, dep2 changed as it is the 2nd item in the dependency, or index 1.

Example 2


useEffect(() => {
  // useEffect code here... 
}, [dep1, dep2])


useEffectDebugger(() => {
  // useEffect code here... 
}, [dep1, dep2], ['dep1', 'dep2'])

Console output:

  dep2: {
    before: 'foo',
    after: 'bar'

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