Disallowing creation of the temporary objects

Edit: As j_random_hacker notes, it is possible to force the user to declare a named object in order to take out a lock.

However, even if creation of temporaries was somehow banned for your class, then the user could make a similar mistake:

// take out a lock:
if (m_multiThreaded)
    CSingleLock c(&m_criticalSection, TRUE);

// do other stuff, assuming lock is held

Ultimately, the user has to understand the impact of a line of code that they write. In this case, they have to know that they’re creating an object and they have to know how long it lasts.

Another likely mistake:

 CSingleLock *c = new CSingleLock(&m_criticalSection, TRUE);

 // do other stuff, don't call delete on c...

Which would lead you to ask “Is there any way I can stop the user of my class from allocating it on the heap”? To which the answer would be the same.

In C++0x there will be another way to do all this, by using lambdas. Define a function:

template <class TLock, class TLockedOperation>
void WithLock(TLock *lock, const TLockedOperation &op)
    CSingleLock c(lock, TRUE);

That function captures the correct usage of CSingleLock. Now let users do this:

[&] {
        // do stuff, lock is held in this context.

This is much harder for the user to screw up. The syntax looks weird at first, but [&] followed by a code block means “Define a function that takes no args, and if I refer to anything by name and it is the name of something outside (e.g. a local variable in the containing function) let me access it by non-const reference, so I can modify it.)

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